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Microsoft Word Level I



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Dates: August 13-22, 2024

Meets: T, Th 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Location: Room F164

Tuition Fee: $225.00

Sorry, this course has been cancelled. Please contact our office to see if it will be rescheduled, or if alternative classes are available.

These days, most people take electronic word processing for granted. While we may still write out our grocery lists with pen and paper, we expect to use a computer to create the majority of our documents. It's impossible to avoid word-processing software in many areas of the business world. Managers, lawyers, clerks, reporters, and editors rely on this software to do their jobs. Whether you are an executive secretary or a website designer, you'll need to know the ins and outs of electronic word processing. In this course, you will learn fundamental Word skills.
Fee: $225.00

Fee Breakdown

Course Fee (Basic)Tuition Fee$ 175.00
Course Fee (Alternate)Senior Citizen Discount$ 131.25
Mandatory FeeBook Fee$ 50.00

Room F164

JP Stouffer

Date Day Time Location


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